Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Post of epic proportions #2

One of the characters in my book is named Billy Pilgrim, but i dont know yet whether I love him or hate him yet. He's interesting because he came from litterally nothing as a child to become a very fruitfull optometrist through his father in law after having a nervous colapse and spending time in a veterans hospital and getting treated with shock therapy. " He was a funny looking child who became a funny looking youth- tall and weak, and shaped like a bottle of Coca-cola." This is one of those funny descriptions in this book you want to laugh at but then you remember the gravity of the story. After a life and mind altering plane crash which only Billy had survived i believe Billy wouldent even notice the $100 dollar bill because he is always  muttering to himself and not focused on anything specific.

This picture would represent th confusion that not only this book presents but also the confusion that is created with all of these personality aspects of all of these different characters in the book. All of the characters in this book are more that just one dimensional and take a long hard time to decifer.

1 comment:

  1. Your picture definitely fits the explain you give for it. The primate definitely looks confused. The first part of your post is very confusing though, but it might just be that i dont know anything about your book at all. Have fun reading.
