Thursday, May 10, 2012

and another post....#3

To be honest if you think about any older war movie(or show,although I dont know of any) were one or two main characters have been in a war and survive you have essentially read my book. The battle-scared warrior that tries to recreate the memories to remember what happened is a very common theme that is actually quite fruitful seeing as how the seem to be able to make movies like this just about every year and still make money on it. Although i cant say that I have seen a movie based on the Dresden bombing, there are a ton of movies out there that have the alcoholic soldier as their main character that is trying everything he can to make sense of the past.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of understand what you are saying but it isnt really an exact comparision, so therefore i cant relate it to my book. It's a book about war thats all i got.
