Wednesday, May 2, 2012

#1 of a Series of EPIC Blogs Dude

To be honest i dont have a great reason for choosing this book. Initially i wanted to read either "One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest" or "A Clockwork Orange" but seeing as how those had either been lost or stolen and the closest one in any liberaries around here was in New York i chose this book. But its along the lines of the other books in the sense that its fictional work based on a very true story....the Dresden Bombing during WW2. The author is Kurt Vonnegut, a very good writer from what i have read so far. The title as it indicates is where P.O.W where held, which is where the teller of the story in the book and his friends where once held. And last but not least th cover, its pretty boring so not to much on that.
                                                                                                                            -Thats all folks!

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